fc :::: June Janelle :: Happenings... thoughts & feelings ::::

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Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Celebrations!

As per past years, Christmas is still a time of wonderful celebrations, the only difference would be that I can't eat many of the goodies this year ... however, the partying goes on!

It all started on Saturday, 23 Dec when shIan invited some of his Sec sch frens over to his place. We had a simple pot luck dinner, wine, gift exchange and played pictionary & taboo. Its always such fun laughing at how everyone draws and interprets!

Cheers to everyone...Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!

Here's everyone + Baby Nixon with the logcake (if you can see it ... haha!)

Everyone happy with the presents they received :)

Us with the mini Xmas Tree - the pride of my dept:

We attended the candlelight xmas service at church on Xmas Eve. I invited many friends to come and watch the drama in church and attend the carnival celebration. Was a bit sad that no one came in the end. Nonetheless, we still had a good time. The drama was very entertaining. The singing of xmas carols was fun! Seeing the whole expo light up as we pass the flame down, was awesome!

First picture i have with N285:

Here's Janice, me and Jovy (with Bernard in the background!):

That evening, we had a gathering at my aunt's place. The usual glorious food, desserts, wine and chocolate fountain....

look at this huge ham...

and the spread of food...these are not including the desserts...

Aunt Carol and family came back from HK. She knitted this trendy furry coat for all her sisters. So my mum and all the aunts lend the coats to all of us....here's a picture with the 'master' of the coats and my cousins:

Us with a bigger Xmas tree this time :)

On Xmas day, Mum was so busy with the cooking, becos Karen, CJ& family were coming! Mum especially bought presents for all the kids and Dad bought Sushi and Logcake!

Our family:

The 2 boys always so excited when there is a cake :)

Me and Baby Claire (she is very uncomfortable with the position i was carrying her):

Saturday, December 23, 2006

All I Want for Christmas is ....

...to get well!!! This year's Christmas is so different from last year's for me. Work has been really busy for the whole year and especially for the last couple of months. Finally when work is slowing down in the last weeks, i got really sick...down with fever, throat inflammation, cough and flu. The worst of all was the cough. I've been coughing for weeks and still not over!!!

I was hoping to shop for Xmas presents at Orchard Road, take pics with the orchard road lightings, go for parties, eat all the good food and taste great wine.....all that cannot happen becos i am sick!!! And i have taken a whole weeks' leave doing nothing but eating medicine and sleeping at home....feeling so miserable!!!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Yet another farewell...

Last Wed was Tabi's last day at work. Few people know that Tabi was my sec sch classmate! It has been a great one year working in the same dept and i'm really going to miss having her around. People say its hard for good friends to work together in the same company and worse off being in the same dept, but i'm glad our friendship stayed strong despite us being colleagues. She is one capable young lady that is ever so organised, prim and proper in her work and definitely appears cool no matter how stress or anxious she is - something i got to learn from her! Tho sad that she is leaving us, but i'm glad she has found greener pastures, All the Best to you Tabi! We must always keep in touch and may our friendship stay strong!

For her farewell, we went to Rice Table at International Building. Was really surprised to hear that the outlet at Suntec had closed down!!! Anyways, glad we finally made it to Rice Table cos we've been talking about going for the longest time! I myself last went there quite some time ago. Food was good, company was great! We also went to Grand Hyatt for drinks thereafter.

Time flies, Xmas lightings down Ochard Road was already up ...here's a shot of the gals outside Scotts Isetan, taken with the golden tree behind us. Didn't want to take too many pictures of the Xmas Decos cos i wanna reserve it with shIan .... hahah...Time flies, remember us walking down Ochard Road taking pics of the Xmas decos a year ago....