fc :::: June Janelle :: Happenings... thoughts & feelings ::::

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Saturday, November 18, 2006


I long to have the carefree life i used to have.

I long to dress up and go to nice dining places, to relax and unwind and soak into the nice ambience. I long to go for midnight movies and late night suppers without having to worry about having to wake up early the next morning for this and that committment. I long to go shopping and walk the streets without being in a rush for time and without a specific thing in mind to shop for.

It's been so so long, since i got to do all that. Amidst life's busy schedules, committments and routines, where have all the pampering, relaxed activities gone to?

Even when i can spare the time to do any of the above, i'm bounded by circumstances like not being able to find someone who can do all that with me. Life. Everyone just have their own agenda.

It hurts especially when I really wish that someone can share those special moments with me doing the things I wanna share with, visiting the places I wanna go to with me, but all i face are rejections.

The bible says...."Where your heart is, there your treasure will be also". Its just so true in many aspects. Have you neglected someone today? Have you taken someone for granted? If you claim your heart is with someone, have you really placed your treasure (time, care, concern, finances, priority etc) with that person??

Treasure those you love today, before its too late!

Friday, November 17, 2006

All Good Things (on earth) must come to an end...

Just like the saying goes, 天下没有不散的筵席 .... yesterday i bid farewell to yet another colleague in the department. This time it was a little harder to bear becos Karen is my partner who sits beside me in office and who belongs to the same team as me.

She is always patient with me no matter how i bug her with endless questions despite being stress and busy herself. She's also a great listener to my ever many complains and grumbles at work and someone i can trust with keeping things confidential. She's a good friend and like an elder sister to me...gonna miss her! Work environment will surely not be the same without her (especially when she's not around to help to edit my english writing!)

Happy for her to have found greener pastures elsewhere. Salute her for the strength she has in life! Am sure you will go far, Karen! Stay in touch always :)

We had a farewll dinner last Friday for her at Cafe Iguana, organised by yours truely. Haha! This has been a place i always wanted to go but never had the chance. The food there was superb! Look at the nachos!

Though the group that went was a small group, we had fun eating, drinking and taking pics!

Cheers to you Karen! All the best! :)